Paul Richardson 15th Dan Dai-Shihan
Joined The Bujinkan: 3rd November 1985
Current Rank: 15th Dan Shidoshi
Previous Instructors: Danny Redden (BBD Nottingham)1985 -1991, Sven Eric Brogsater, Peter King
Brief Biography:
I started training under Danny Redden (who was a 7th Kyu) in Nottingham on 3rd November 1985. At that time I was studying Aikido. The Nottingham Dojo was a member of Bo Munthe's European Bujinkan Ninjutsu Society, this organisation later broke up and our dojo remained under Brian McCarthy in the Bujinkan Brian Dojo (BBD). In early 1991, when I was only a 2nd Kyu, I was asked by Danny to open a Dojo in Lincoln. The Bujinkan Lincoln Dojo was established in 12th April 1991. In August 1991 I left the BBD and moved to the mainstream Bujinkan.

I attended the Swedish Taikai in August 1991. While there I received my 1st Dan and Shidoshi-ho from Peter King. Upon returning to the UK I left the BBD to train under the mainstream Bujinkan (Sven Eric Brogsatar and Peter King), I also attended the 1991 UK Taikai the following week. In 1992 I received my 2nd Dan after returning from the Luxembourg Taikai, also attending the Swedish Taikai in 1992 and received 3rd dan a week later at the UK Taikai.
In 1993 I was asked to visit Germany to teach my first international seminar. It was also during 1993 I released my history book on the schools of the Bujinkan Dojo.
1994 I attended the UK Taikai and passed my 5th Dan. Read about my test here.
2000 I join a small group of black belts that Graham Ramsden chief instructor at the Bujinkan Butoku Dojo (Manchester) had formed to demonstrate at the annual Japan festival which was held in the Millennium Dome in London.
2001 I received my 8th Dan.
2006 promoted to 10th Dan
Since 2008 I have been to Japan every year, continuing to study Bujinkan Taijutsu I have also joined and started my studies in Masaki Ryu Kusarijutsu.
2013 Promoted to 15th Dan in Japan
2017 - Awarded Daishihan title in Japan
Since 1993 - 2018 I have taught as many as 60 seminars in the UK, Slovenia, USA, Germany, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden and South Africa. At least 70% of these have been outside of the UK.